My first time talking at a conference (slides attached)

Today I gave a presentation on the Ubuntu Phone project at the mUXCamp in Frankfurt, Germany. It was the first time I have ever talked at a conference and it was a really pleasant experience.

The group who attended was of a nice size, maybe ten people, which allowed the talk to be pretty much interactive, with people feeling comfortable to interrupt me and ask questions when they popped up in their heads. In fact, they had a lot of questions and I really didn’t expect to be confronted with so many of them, so it was an appreciated coincidence that the talk took place directly before the lunch break, allowing us to discuss the topic a bit longer.

Most of the people who attended had at least tried Linux once, with three of them using Linux regularly. They became really excited about the convergence part and seemed to like the idea of having a button-less operation system controlled by swipes.

All in all, it was a totally pleasant experience and I’m looking forward to speaking at other conferences as well. I’d, furthermore, like to use this opportunity to thank Sujeevan again for getting me in touch with Steffen Schilke, one of the main mUXCamp organizers.

Check out my slides!